As someone that plays Zeratul frequently, I know common habits and will reveal 'hiding' stealthers in bushes pretty frequently just because of a hunch. Similarly when I play against Nova/Zeratul I will play pretty offensively. (into the bushes were I likely was hiding, etc.) I think after the first three ganks she realized that I was on her like white on rice, I didn't let up so I think she was just really looking out for me, probably got a few lucky grenades. I didn't really think it was due to the player having crazy omni-presence to see stealth. I started focusing on her early in the game almost exclusively, and she was very good at knowing where I was/where I was going, and just like you I would suddenly get a grenade to the face while standing in a bush. Some players are just really good at playing defensively and similarly it was against a Morales. Other than that, try to watch a replay or two where you focus on finding Zerahul in the teamfight. Getting into the head of your opponent is my best tip. The enemy team took all their camps and you can't see Zerathul on the map? Then you know that he's checking your camps to find an easy kill. The Jaina you're laning against is a bit too aggressive? Then you know the stealther is around. If they have Nova or Zerathul, I look for the stealth all the time. If they have ETC, I always make sure to save a stun for his ult. If they have Morales, I always look for ways to engage him directly. If I am Johanna and they have a few very lethal auto attackers, I try to be extra careful to save my blind for when their AA'ers focus my team's backline. Whenever a game starts, I look at their comp and think "what should i be extra aware of this game?"

Maybe I just played Zerathul enough to know how he thinks. HeroesLounge Members 🖤 !tankshow !wishlist !twitter 46ġ600 games played. TinyToxicTofu 🖤 Tiny Tofu's Tanking Show ft. Rutzou Chillin with momo no stress | EU DPS - !tierlist !builds 91ĬRYGERtv !HRC Челлендж vs Stlk на 20000рублей !trovo !Storm งಠ_ಠ)ง 48 NicHeroes Playtesting brand new hero in GM! !tierlist !builds !discord 181 Masters Clash Championship 2d 0h 40m Granit Gaming Masters Clash Academy At first I though I was just getting hit by random projectiles and aoe, or the supports were using stealth detect aoe. Masters Clash Championship 1d 3h 40m The Hardos Granit Gaming Stealth detect hack I was playing a game just there and noticed the enemy Sonya had started following me and throwing her hook at me everytime I was in vision range. Masters Clash Championship 1d 2h 40m Rage Quit Gaming 3 Legged Cat Masters Clash Championship 1d 1h 40m Bang Bush Masters Clash Academy Masters Clash Championship 1d 0h 40m Chilly Mountain Inting For Ruby Blue Tracker ESPORTS CALENDAR ( LIQUIPEDIA)